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Once you have customized the design, it is time to publish your Dashboard and share it with your team. You can publish the dashboard by clicking on the Publish button, making it live and ready to be shared with your team.

The share feature in the dashboard allows admin to share the dashboard with their users or groups. Sharing feature also includes data restriction, which limits the amount of data that would be shown to the other users based on the criteria the admin has set.

Alongside the share option, the admin also has the option to create a test link that will remain active for 48 hours once created. This share link allows the admin to share the dashboard in the read-only made by sharing the URL created. Admin can also manage the setting of the test link.

Sharing Dashboard With Users

Sharing feature allows admin to create and share the dashboard with their users by assigning them access. The three available access options are Editor, Viewer, Commentor. You can also put restrictions that would limit the data that would be shown to the user. If you want to read more about how restrictions work, click here.

The steps to sharing the dashboard are as follows:

1. Click on Share at the bottom of the screen.

2. Select Share and then on the Share screen, select the user you wish to share the dashboard with. In case if you don’t have a user added to your account, you can add them by clicking on Manage user and following these steps to adding users.

3. Once you have selected the user, click on Save to add them. You can click on Save and Notify if you want to notify your users after you have added them.

4. Once the users are added, you can add restrictions and access. If you wish to add restrictions, select the restriction from the drop-down. If you haven’t already created a restriction, you can create it by clicking on Managing restrictions and following the steps of managing restrictions. Select the access you want to provide to your user. The available options are — Viewer, Editor, and Commentor. The viewer would only be able to view the dashboard while the editor would be able to edit the widgets and data. Commentor can only comment on the dashboard and widgets.

Your dashboard is now shared with your users.

You can also share your dashboard by creating a public test link that would share the dashboard in read-only mode. To read more about Sharing options, click here.


Managing Restrictions

The manage restriction section is a part of sharing feature of the dashboard. Using the Manage restriction option, you can put up restrictions on the dashboard you have shared. When you share the dashboard with other users, you can either share it completely or put up restrictions, that would limit how much of the dashboard would be shown to the user.

The manage restriction section allows you to set the restriction and what would be hidden based on the restriction. You can also manage the setting of the restriction. We will explore every feature in detail below.

With our dashboard feature, you have two types of restrictions available. One restriction is simply based on the page view and it would either show or hide the page from other users based on restriction. The second type is data restriction, which limits the data that would be shown to the user. In this, you create an equation and every data set under the equation would be restricted to the user with whom you share the dashboard with restriction. This acts as a filter to data shown once shared.

To read more about how restrictions work and how you can implement it, click here to read in detail.


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