Page Filters allows you to apply a common filter for the entire page of the Dashboard. Just like Widget Filter and Metric Filter, you can select the data field upon which the filter would act, however, in the case of Page Filters, the filter would be applicable throughout the page.
Example of Page Filter
For example, if you have created a dashboard with multiple pages and widgets. For Page 1, you apply a filter that all the widgets in the filter should only show the data collected through Web Collector and SMS only. In such a case, you can use the Page Filter and select the collectors from the Metadata list and apply.
For example, we will show you a dashboard without a filter and then apply a Page filter based on regions from where the data was collected. You would be able to see how the data gets altered once a page level filter is applied with one particular region being selected as a filter criterion.
This is a dashboard without any filter. As you can see all the widgets have some data in them. Now we would apply a filter based on the regions from where the data was collected, which is shown on the right side of the screen. We will select one country for the filter to work and we will see the difference.
As we can now see, every widget has witnessed a change in its data set based on the filter applied. Now the filter is only showing data which fulfils the criterion, which in this case is the region from where the data was collected.
Steps To Adding Page Filter
The steps to adding a filter to the page are as follows:
1. Go to the particular page on the Dashboard
2. Click on Add Filters
3. Click on the Search bar and select the data on which you would want to implement the filter. You can select the data type in this case.
4. Select the choices and click on Save
5. Click on Create Filter
6. Select the choices again from the Filters tab to enable the filter.
Note: You can add more than one filter by clicking on Add Filter.
Types of filter choices available:
You can create filters using one of many choices available:
Logic Testing: This allows you to pick the questions from the surveys alongside the answer choices.
Meta Data: This includes metadata such as collector types, Response status, Invite Status, Survey Duration, Surveys and time range
Group Fields: This includes the Group Fields you have created in the data source
Combinations: This includes the combinations you have created in the data source.
Managing Page Filters
The three options next to a filter are:
Global Filters: This allows you to implement the same filter throughout the entire dashboard, making it a global one.
Lock Filter: When enabled, this locks the current filters and only the admin would be able to disable it and make changes to the filter. This feature is useful when you share your dashboard data with your users.
Hide Filters: When enabled, your users won’t be able to view the filters applied on the dashboard. The filters would only be shown to the admin and users would only see the filtered data.
Deleting Page Filters
You can delete the filters you have added. On the Filters tab in your Dashboard, click on the Remove button to remove the filter.