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SMS collector is used to collecting responses through SMS. Choose to add a custom message or export a CSV to have a different link for different respondents. Use Survey2Connect feature 2 Way SMS to collect responses on the SMS itself. 


To create SMS collector: 

1. Go to Collect Response

2. Click on SMS Collector

3. Enter Collector Name

4. Click OK


In SMS Collector you have three options:

Overview: Through the overview, you can see the progress of the invites sent through the SMS collector. You can edit drafts, see the messages send successfully/failed, and see the number of responses received fully or partially.

In Overview, you can check

1. Total Invitation sent: No. of Successful invitations and No. of failed Invitation

2. Total No. of SMS Responses

3. Message History


Recipients: In the recipient’s section you can see all the recipients, the status of the SMS sent, Responses status (Completed/Partially completed/Not Responded), etc. 

In recipients you can check:

1. To Whom was the message sent too.

2. Status of the message

3. Have they responded; Yes or No

4. Survey Link Sent to them

5. Message sent to them in the email


Options: Through Options, you can do various customization to the SMS through various link settings


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