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Logical derived variable by Survey2Connect allows you to create new custom variables based on a condition and their values. You can create multiple conditions by using if and else if condition and set a value for the condition.

Example of Logical Derived Variable

If you are asking for respondents age in the survey and you want to group them on the basis below 18, 19-25, 26-30 and 30 and above, this could be done logically derived variable.

The steps to creating a logical derived variable are as follows:

1. Click on Derived Variables on the Analyse Results Page

2. Click on +New Derived Variable

Logical derived variable by Survey2Connect allows you to allows you to create new custom variables based on a condition and their values.

3. Select Logical in the list of Derived Variables

Logical derived variable by Survey2Connect allows you to allows you to create new custom variables based on a condition and their values.

4. Enter Variable Name

5. In the If Condition, select Source Type — Question, Embedded Data, Agents, or Derived Variable.

6. Once you have selected the source, select the Source Value, Operator, and Value.

Creating Logical Derived Variable

7. Enter the value you want to set for the variable

8. Enter the value for Else condition

9. Click on Create Variable

Note: You can create Else If condition to add more conditions to the Logic Derived Variable. The process for that is, click on Add Condition Set and then repeat the process of entering Source Type and other subsets.


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