You can share cross tabs data with your team without having to give the user access. When you share the Cross Tabs using this feature, you share it in read-only mode. The user who accesses it via the share link would only be able to export, change data setting and view the cross tab. If you wish to share the cross tabs, use the share button to generate a link that can be shared with anyone. The steps to doing the same are as follows:
1. Go to the Cross Tabs on the Analyse Result
2. Open the cross tab you want to share by clicking on the Edit button under the Actions Tab
3. Click on the share button(on the right side of the Export button) and the link would be copied. Share the data with the team by sharing the link.
This is how it would appear when opened via the share link. The user can change View Data As, Count, Row Percentage, Decimal Places and Export the file.