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Cross tabs help in finding the correlation between two or questions and their answer choices. You can create cross tabs by following these steps:

1. Go to Cross Tabs

2. Click on +Create Cross Tabulation

You can create multiple cross tabs for a survey result
Selecting cross tabs

3. Select Stub Question. Stub questions are the ones that would appear in the rows. You can add multiple stub questions. They would be lined below each other.

You can add multiple stub questions while creating a cross tabs You can add multiple stub questions while creating a cross tabs

4. Select Banner Question. Banner questions go horizontally. You can add multiple banner questions in a cross tab.

Stub questions need to be added while creating cross tabs Stub questions need to be added while creating cross tabs

5. Manage the other features in the Cross Tabs

Here is a view of the cross tabs after being created

Create Multiple Cross Tabs

With the Cross tabs section, you have the option of creating multiple cross tabs. You can simply do it by adding more stub and banner questions to create multiple tabs. If you want to add more Stub Questions, click on +Add Stub. If you wish to add more questions to the banner, click on +Add Banner. Multiple Cross tabs are used to perform data analysis of one question against multiple other questions and their answer choices.

You can create multiple cross tabs by simply adding more questions

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